Renee’s Creation
Renton, WA, USA

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Renee's Creation was created by Renee C. Look in 2021. Renee is an artist, mom, wife, and a previous nonprofit guru. She worked at different nonprofits across King county for 14 years. In 2020 when the world turned upside down she was forced to prioritize her family and be as safe as possible due to her elderly parents-in-law. She and her family hunkered down, as much of the world did for just about one year. In January of 2021, she realized that in order to keep herself sane she was going to have to start creating her artwork again, something she had not done consistently for over two decades. She virtually worked with a life coach who helped her with some mental blocks that had been ingrained in her since childhood. In March of that year she set up a corner in her small two bedroom home with her husband and then three year old son and began creating. She also created a go fund me page to raise half the money to build a "studio" in her backyard. She hit her goal two months later and got her own space to create. She began showing and selling her artwork to people in August of 2021 and has not stopped since. Renee is very passionate about the environment and doing everything she can do to help protect the planet for future generations. One way she does this in her artwork is by doing her best to purchase as much of her supplies as possible second hand. She goes thrifting every weekend when she is not a market and finds inventory to upcycle and print on. 95% of the items she prints on are recycled or upcycled goods. She even frames her prints in recycled frames. She is also passionate about everyone having access to original pieces of artwork, which is one reason she was so drawn to printmaking. Each piece begins with an original drawing made by Renee. She then transfers that drawing onto a linoleum block, carving the block, and then inking and printing it by hand. Each print is considered an original because each print you see has been individually inked and printed personally by Renee.


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Condo, Ranch, Single-Story

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Kitchen, Garage, Outside, Patio, Dining Room

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Table, Chairs

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King County, Pierce County


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