Rocketboy Studios
823 North M Street, Tacoma, WA 98403, USA
Tacoma, Wa

Business Representative: Roberto Sanchez


As a skilled visual 2D artist and visual designer, I specialize in creating compelling and innovative designs that captivate audiences and communicate powerful messages. With a strong foundation in both traditional and digital media, I bring a unique blend of creativity and technical proficiency to every project. My portfolio showcases a diverse range of work, from striking illustrations and intricate graphics to polished branding and user-friendly interface designs. Committed to excellence, I consistently deliver high-quality, visually stunning results that exceed client expectations and bring their visions to life.


Minority Owned, Samples
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Vendor Setup

Proprety Types

Condo, Ranch, Multi-Family, Single-Story, Multi-Story, Starter Homes

Preferred Room

Living Room, Office, Bedroom, Children’s Room, Dining Room, Family Room

Vendor Equipment

Pop Up Shop Service Area

King County, Pierce County


Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Notice Needed

A Week or More

Has a Vendor Fee

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